Read the text below and get acquainted with one of the most important Brazilian capitals.


With its 19th century architecture, Belém retains shades of the “Tropical Paris”


The capital of Pará received 640,000 visitors in 2015. Walking through the city, they would no doubt have stumbled across traces of its former rubber glory, like the Theatro da Paz, built in 1878.


It was built by rubber barons and used to receive operas and foreign theatre companies. It is still in use today, hosting Brazilian companies and an opera festival. The building is open to tourists, and entry costs R$6 (US $1.46).


By the waterfront in the old city, the Ver-o-Peso open-air market is unmissable. Visitors can see women making tacacá (manioc soup) and buy chestnuts, açaí, the medicinal herb jambu and many other local products.


If hunger strikes, stalls sell fish with açaí - a local delicacy. The fruit is served unsweetened, without the sugar that tends to be added in São Paulo and Rio.


A little further on is Mangal das Garças, a park opened in 2005. It is 40,000m2 and entry is free. It has flamingos and wild lizards, as well as a butterfly house - a reminder, that in spite of its rubber belle époque, Belém remains at the heart of the Amazon.


Disponível em: . Acesso em: 11 fev. 2016.


According to the text, consider the following statements about the touristic attractions of Belém:


I) visitors are charged to access an attraction that houses animals.

II) traditional goods are found in the contemporary part of Belém.

III) profits of rubber commerce helped build a great cultural space.

IV) local stalls have a particular way to prepare a well-known fruit.


It is only correct what is stated on:

II and IV.

I and III.

I and IV.

II and III.

III and IV.

Nos fragmentos de 1 a 5, observe os termos destacados em negrito. Na sequência, associe-os aos mecanismos de coesão a que correspondem:


1) A passenger told police that the bus had been experiencing brake problems. The coach was full of passengers and travelling north from Kumasi.

 Texto adaptado.Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 fev. 2016.


2) Expressionism, fauvism and early abstraction were influenced by Van Gogh’s style. Besides that, his influence can be seen in many other aspects of 20th-century art.

 Disponível em: <http://www.vincentvangoghart.net/>. Acesso em: 15 jun. 2011.


3) If we unite and stand together and deal with racism wherever and whenever it raises its ugly head, I believe we can defeat it.

 Texto adaptado. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 15 fev. 2016.


4) Of the 15 patients, nine recorded reduced levels of depression one month after the trial. And four of those nine reported “a clinically significant drop in depression severity”.

 Texto adaptado. Disponível em: < http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-35558447>. Acesso em: 18 fev. 2016.


5) When I took my son home with me, he actually had a smiling face, and me too.

 Texto adaptado. Disponível em: < http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-29713473>. Acesso em: 18 fev. 2016.


(     ) referência pessoal

(     ) substituição frasal

(     ) elipse nominal

(     ) conjunção aditiva

(     ) coesão lexical / sinonímia


A sequência numérica obtida é:

3 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 1.

3 – 5 – 1 – 2 – 4.

5 – 3 – 4 – 2 – 1.

3 – 4 – 5 – 2 – 1.

3 – 5 – 4 – 2 – 1.

Read the following article about the Tokyo Lost-and-Found center:


If it can be lost on the streets of Tokyo, it can be found in the city’s lost-and-found center, where everything from diamond rings to dentures and millions of dollars in stray cash await their owners. “I’m not surprised anymore by what people lose”, says custodian Nobuo Hasuda as he walks along the paths between wheelchairs, snowshoes, motorcycle, helmets, and trumpets. Typical of a country obsessed with order and detail, every item is scrupulously labeled with time and place of recovery, then computer archived. (Texto adaptado. SASLOW; ASCHER, 2006, p.118)


Now, mark true (T) or false (F) according to the previous article:


(    ) procedures to store an object in the center need to be improved.

(    ) people are expected in the center to retrieve their lost belongings.

(    ) Tokyo Lost-and-Found center is dedicated to store ordinary items.

(    ) Mr. Hasuda got used to the type of things he receives in the center.


The correct sequence of is:

T – T – F – F.

F – T – F – F.

T – T – F – T.

F – F – T – T.

F – T – F – T.

As autoridades alemãs criaram uma lei de trânsito cujo objetivo é arrecadar fundos para a conservação do meio ambiente. A solução foi a exigência de que, a partir de 2010, os carros deveriam circular com um "selo ambiental". Leia mais sobre o assunto a seguir.


Environmental stickers in Germany


At the beginning of 2010, Germany implemented a strict rule for every car entering Cologne, Munich, Berlin, and about other dozen more cities in the country. The stickers are priced between $7.50 and $30.


When in these German locations, make sure that you get the environmental sticker or you will be stopped by the traffic warden. Failing to do so might cost you $60.


Disponível em: . Acesso em: 22 dez. 2015.


Após a leitura do texto, verifica-se que o(a):

selo é exigido em Colônia, Munique e Berlim.

falta do selo resultará em pagamento de multa.

uso do selo é obrigatório em toda a Alemanha.

variação de preço do selo ambiental é irrisória.

uso do selo será vigiado por meio de câmeras.

O termo collocations refere-se à união de duas ou mais palavras formando uma expressão que, usada pelos falantes da língua inglesa, torna o idioma mais "natural". Assim, leia as frases, a seguir:

I) I couldn't finish my assignment. My computer ____ a problem yesterday.

II) I always _____ a bath before going to bed.

III) Kids, did you _____ a good time at the circus?

IV) She's going to _____ a business lunch tomorrow.

V) I would like to _____ a cold drink, please.

Mostrado em sua forma infinitiva, o verbo que completa as frases anteriores é:

to get

to take

to catch

to have

to do

Leia o título de um artigo sobre tecnologia e emprego, e observe a conjunção “if” em negrito:


If the Robots Come for Our Jobs, What Should the Government Do?


Disponível em: . Acesso em: 15 jun. 2018.


Considerando seus estudos sobre present factual e o significado da conjunção “if” nesse contexto, ela poderia ser substituída pela seguinte conjunção, sem alteração de sentido da frase:


In case




Read the sentence in bold that opens an article about the Tokyo Lost-and-Found:


If it can be lost on the streets of Tokyo, it can be found in the city’s lost-and-found center, where everything from diamond rings to dentures and millions of dollars in stray cash await their owners. (Texto adaptado. SASLOW; ASCHER, 2006, p.118)


Based on your studies about the present factual, the previous conditional sentence conveys the following type of information:

historical fact.

journalistic fact.

cultural fact.

scientific fact.

general fact.

Read the conversation below:


Joan: "Is it Daniel’s coat?"

Marcel: "Yes, it’s..."


The possessive pronoun that completes it is:






Read the text below about concentration problems and observe the adverb actually in the last sentence:


Neuroscientists are increasingly interested in our ability to knuckle down, precisely because so many of us find it hard. 80% of students and 25% of adults admit to being chronic procrastinators, and with the internet and smartphones, this may be getting worse. No matter how much we like to think that a little procrastination makes us more creative, the evidence suggests that it actually leads to stress, illness and relationship problems.


Texto adaptado. Disponível em: . Acesso em: fev. 2016.


In this context, the adverb actually conveys the following meaning:






Leia o poema l(a... (a leaf falls on loneliness) do modernista americano Edward Estlin Cummings (1894-1962), que assinava e e cummings, em letras minúsculas.



(a leaf falls on loneliness)


e. e. cummings















Disponível em: . Acesso em: 23 fev. 2018.


Ao dispor o poema dessa forma, podemos dizer que o poeta:


I) Utilizou aliteração e assonância, que são observadas na repetição das consoantes L e F, e das vogais A e E;

II) Prezou pela atenção à rima, métrica e efeitos sonoros nesse poema.

III) Utilizou analogia, visto que a folha (“leaf”) caindo pode representar alguém ou alguma relação morrendo, o que se traduz em solidão (“loneliness”);

IV) Construiu uma imagem sinestésica, pois conseguimos ver, sentir e, talvez, ouvir a folha de árvore caindo;

V) Ilustra a solidão ao separar a palavra “loneliness” das demais palavras por meio do uso dos parênteses.


Marque a opção que apresenta todas as alternativas corretas:


I, II, III, IV e V.

III, IV e V.

I, II, III e V.

I, III e V.

I, III, IV e V.

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